Do you have a million Frequent Flyers? We can manage your points and find any seat for you and so much more.

Your Global Jetsetting advisor is your personal reward membership account manager. With 30 plus years of experience in the industry, we know how to maximise your points and make sure none will go to waste.

Whether you are an avid traveller of you are new to the reward programme, we can help you choose the right plan for you.

Earning points can get you so much further than your flight, most airline frequent flyer programmes now partner with a range of retailers, including hotels, rental car companies, tour operators and much more, we will ensure you will get the best value for your points.

Are your points going to waste? Some frequent flyer programmes now allow you to pool your points within your family or transfer between other airline programmes. When booking with Global Jetsetting we will ensure you will get the best value for your points and maximise your earning potential.

Enquire today and find out how we can help you!

Get in touch via the form below to start planning your next trip.


    Lilly Rutherford

    Elite Advisor and Membership Rewards Manager

    Do you have millions of frequent flyer points? Lilly is our resident Frequent Flyer Manager –  With over seven years of experience in corporate travel, she will manage those points and find those seats for you.  |  Connect on LinkedIn 

    Your Complete Travel Specialists.